Wednesday, May 6, 2009

old meats new

wednesday day two of traditional month, this was my night to realy start teaching it, so with the jedies we did kumata sparing practice,

the adult class was similar to the night befor focusing on yakazukie, after all the etiquite hade been shown, then at the end just like the kids i went over the ruels of kumata be for i got the adults doing it it also gave me the chance to hit afue of them witch is always fun.

Old Japan

this tuesday sour the start of traditional Karata month, it started in the morning at cit where all the instructors agreed the new ruls and etiquite for all the classes this month, and then we had alitle bit of a play,

classes that night sour my test my traditional teaching skills and for saying i had never done it before i managed to blag it quite well with the jedies,

when it came to the adults i asked craig to take the first class so i could observe how at treditional adult class gose as i had never seen one, so as usuale he mad me join in and do it as well, it was very formal but exstreemly hard work, good fun though

then to top every thing of i had to teach the kata class, and in troditional styal i did a line walking clas and fineshed or with some bunki


Saturday gone Sour Damon Sansum Visit to take a seminar for us, befor hand though all the instructors met with damon to do a privat traning setion it was realy good fun, and have to say the guy hits like a train i think its the hardest ive ever been hit but i liked it in my eyes it was realistick and i like hitting hard, arter we had finished playing, the seminar began, we had just under 40 people turn up which i would class as a huge sucsess,

i even joind in the seminar as arter are setion i was buzzing, dont get me rong by the end of the day i was nakered and ready for a drink,

damen went over some realy good stuff and i think every one how joind in learnt some thing myself in poticular, i picked up a fue things i will be trying over the next fue months.

Friday, May 1, 2009


this fridays squad training setion was all about balance and timing it was alot slower paced than normal but i got exalent feed back from every one telling me how much thay enjoyed learning this sort of thing, this is the second week in a row i have taken suad training and i enjoy taking it, as i get to do the sort of thin that i would do when i train my self , and this balance trick that i have been working on now for a fue weeks seemes to be paying off as i am picking people off right left and center when im only moving at 50%.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tag Test

Tag week went as smooth as ever we seem to have the running down to a tee now, still it is not my faverit thing to teach being resnobly quite is against my better nature, and as i have mentioned be for i like the freeden of my own lesons sticking to a rutean is just some thing i find hard,

Back to the beginning

this weeks cit, was like going back to old japan, craig had us doing traditional karata, which will be teaching for the month of may, as much as i like learning new things, at the moment i seem to be set in my ways, and only wont to do points though, i think this must be my comfort zone and i just carnt bring my self to leave it. lol

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Timming is every thing

thursday night i only teach the adults as one of my juniors dose all the kids classes, so when i got on the mats at about seven i was quite mellow and tyered but i soon got in to it and be fore long i was trainning with them, the classe was all about timming and knowing when to go, this class was slow and easy compaired to my normal standard but every one seemed to like the change of pace for my BBC points class i just expanded on what i had done in my first class,

it was alot for the guys to take on bord and not alot of them could grasp it but with more practice they will,


theres been alot of posotives this week, i've enrold alot of new students at stealth coalville, my other busines stealth scaffolding is going from strenth to strenth and more importantly i am moving well,

wednesday sour my normal back to back class day, all my classes were aimed around strenthening the hip flexer mucels to help keep the leg up, i thought this was a good plan and worked well fore all the classes, it was a taxing one that left thouse who put the effot in very sour,

my last class of the night was Points fighting and as always i put my kit on to join in was a good night of classes.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

fighting frenzey

fighting is fun, my sparring cless tonight intaild fighting and lots of it i like to call it fitness fighting, keep going till you carnt breath then go some more, a real good class and yet agen i joind in and got my sweat on,

new note to self teach all adult classess with my kit on as i cant resist joining in when kitted up!!!!

Back to it

wednesday this week saw me back in action in the Points BBC class oviously i was teaching it but with my sparing kit on it makes me wont to join in and it was hevey on sweeps and fighting all in all a good class and a good work out.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i need to stop working

after only a month at my scaffolding job i have decided full time work is much to much hard work, even when its your company, lol

any way on to trainning or at least the lack of it, last saturday sour the stealth spring fight night whitch was a grate night well atended and well run, all the fights went smoothly,

it even sour yet another rematch between my self and ryan parry, once agen going in ryans faver but we always put on a good show and its always highly contested as we do like fighting each other,

then sour last weeks classes, which were tecknicaly baced focusing on countering a atacking kick with a sweep then follow up to make shaw, this was a really well receved class that every one enjoyed,

this week saur my self and craig do a swop so i tourt the first half the week, which i baced on a horible fitness rutean i used to use, lets just say thay were dropping like flyes, it wass good funn

as for my owen tranning i have been bitting and bobbing joining in where i can with classes and playing around with new stuff more than any thing.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tag Test Night

last night sour tag tests for nearly all the students, which meant we were using the format the instructors had come up with in cit that morning,

all the classes were busy and it went really well, but i cant say i enjoyed teaching as i don't like reading of scrips and doing drills people wright for me i prefer my normal off on a tangent style of teaching, so i felt i was going through the motions more than teaching,,

after the tag tests there were a fue of the adults how were grading for there new belts, so i had to put my kit on and do some points with the Senior belts, which would normally put a smile on my face as i do love to fight, however i still felt a little lethargic and was not my usual self on the mats, i did score 4 or five good head kicks even only being at 50% so not a total loss

finding time to train

finding the time to train semes to be getting harder as my new scaffolding company is getting busyer, never the less i did manage to sneek a session in on tuesday night with steve going over our joint kata for this saturday, wich we now have almost sorted. i still don't like kata though!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Flying High

Yesterday was a good day, work was good out in the sun, then when i got to stealth at about 4 mike and rose were taking the kids classes for me witch ment i was not teaching till 6.45 so i managed to get loads done,

6.45 was on to the mats first came the usual torture for the Ladies only disco kickboxing class, which was not made essayer by me being in one of my hyperactive moods,

then came the adults where i was working on using fast different height kicking combos (S/K, Sweep, R/H) and i just veryed the kicks about, a really good class,

then came Points class, the hole class was themed on chambering but building on what they had just done in the first class, then came leg only sparing,

i joined in with most of all three classes tonight (i was defiantly running on DURACELL last night)

Lazy Kieran

This mornings training didn't start well, at 6.20 i went to pick up my nephew who was ment to be training with my self and Steve at stealth coalville, to work on our 3 man public display at the up and coming fight night in just over a week, however there was no life at all when i arrived at the smith residence, so i proceeded alone to meat Steve,

we went over Kankashow, the kata we will be preforming in tandem,

then unfortunately i had to leave just after seven to go to work,

looking back

i have been strugaling to train for the last fue weeks due to my other busines comitments, in poticular starting a new busines means i an working a 15 hour week once agen, lookaly for me the industory is quite phisical whitch is better than nothing, however i have took to joining in in nearly all me classes iven if for just part of each one, yesterday saw me take my normal wednesdays worth of classes (all of them, 7 in total) thay were mainly all fitnessed baced but by joining in for 10 mins a class i was staying nice and loose,

Friday, March 13, 2009

Takit And Brack it!!

This mornings squad training was hell jogging, sprinting, up, down, press up, sit up, it was all a bit a blur and that was just the warm up!

then it relay got hard, Craig had us doing close points hand drills but hitting them hard, which i must say is some thing i like, first i was with Ross one of the Junior instructors, i took every thing he had then it was my turn to unleash and with a standing KO on the first hit you could say i was taking no prisoners.

i must say Friday morning is my favorite part of the week, as i get to take of my instructor hat and put my student one back on, and that's when i can relay unleash on any one in my way,

power & controle Part 2 (o an a hole lot of sweating

last nights classes were a continuation on Wednesdays classes, still working on the ability to switch speed for power and back agen at the touch of a button, however the classes were all very very hard work it was a proper beating section with every one leaving the academy a fue pounds lighter than when they came in,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Power & Controle

yesterday i took back to back classes as always on a Wednesday 9 in total, they were all themed alternating power and control, i used a variety of two kick combos one being as hard as you can, one being as fast and light as you can, i chucked in some new horrible exercises and wallop i had my self a really good nights worth of classes, i even joined in with the adults as i couldn't resist

Monday, March 9, 2009

cit agen

i arrived nice and Early this morning to get a head start on things, i then participated in CIT which was tort by Craig this today, we went over some close quarters hand drills that we plan to teach at the start of this week,

now its off for a full days work before coming back to classes tonight, with the launch of stealth scaffolding in Feb of this year my work lode seems to have tripled, however i do like being active all day and there's no need for wight training any more.